Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Thawing the Freeze

So the whole freeze on letting you know who we really are . . .

At least this once.

Presenting the Tiny Human, LakeGirl and yours truly, SWMNBN.

We'll still go with the whole undercover secret agent names and all,
but hello.
'Tis us.

We had an awesome weekend,
mostly because we got to see Auntie LG,
who is single-handedly our most favorite human ever. 
And another one of my rockstar friends from law school.
Just a whole buncha happy, I tell ya.
Weekends like that are good for the soul.

Also awesome? 
My departure from attempts in recent weekends past to dress cute.
What was I thinking?

Comfort is just the way I roll at heart.
And if I can work a Fat Amy shoutout tee into the mix,
even better.

Now back to business,
and all things Lush.

My stash is growing nicely and I am oh so proud.

I was giddy to know I have enough stuff crammed into my shower that I could make this possible . . .

#lovewins rainbow shower time. 

If I could live in my shower, 
I totally would.

Or bath.
Because this also happened. . . .

Good lord do I need some Botox in between my eyebrows . . .
ignore that, please and thanks.

Focus on the Kitchen Polaroids.

My very first ever Kitchen order arrived last Friday . . .

so naturally,
I went home immediately,
without passing Go,
I did not collect $200,
and I headed straight for the tub.

I decided to combine a Razzle Dazzle Bath Oil with the Frozen bomb.

Frozen is, in my opinion, almost floral smelling.
Not strong overwhelming floral,
but floral nonetheless.

Expert Lushies have compared the scent of Frozen to Happy Happy Joy Joy conditioner;
and although there is supposed to be grapefruit oil in it,
it's the neroli floral scent that seems to break the ice.

 So to level out the floral,
I wanted to toss in something extra sweet.

Cue the Razzle Dazzle,
which screams of raspberry and lime.

But first, just watch me Let it Go . . .

Once the bomb had fizzled and scooted its way around my tub,
leaving a wake of blue and white ice caps in its wake,
I tossed in the Razzle Dazzle.

And here is where I add a disclaimer.

Razzle Dazzle is a stainer.

The Tiny Human's washcloth isn't supposed to look like James P. Sullivan from Monsters Inc.

And yet after a little bit of time in the tub with Razzle Dazzle,
James P. Sullivan it is.

The combination of Frozen blue and Razzle Dazzle pink did make for some beautiful grape-colored water,
but can you see the pink staining on the wall of the tub?

This was the first Lush product that I used that couldn't simply be rinsed away post-bath with a bit of water. 

BUT, there is good news!

I spritzed a quick bit of Scrubbing Bubbles onto the stains as soon as the bath was drained,
and the pink wiped away easily.

No scrubbing or sweating or anything like that.
But I did have to use a cleaning product and rag to wash away the evidence of my bath.

I'd say worth it though because the color and scent of Razzle Dazzle was quite awesome!


  1. I must say that our posts seem much happier these days compared to before you took a bloggy break. I hope things are better now.

    All of the Lush bath products are so pretty!

  2. Think I need to get my niece some of this Lush stuff it looks awesome! Love the photos and the dethaw but of course like the undercover secret agent names still too. ;)
