Friday, December 26, 2014

All I Want For Christmas . . .

is to be healthy.

I was so so excited for Christmas this year.

The Tiny Human was, like, really getting it. 

The anticipation for Ho-Ho to come, the story of Baby Jesus . . .
all of it.

And then we all came down with the plague.
And instead of sparkle and magic and fairy dust,
there was Kleenex and Mucinex and the cool, wet vapor from our Froggy humidifier.


I missed Christmas Eve church for the first time in my entire life. 

We sort of did presents, but it was a totally pathetic attempt, really.

We've spent three days in jammies, tucked away in our germ-infested cave of a room,
wiping noses, forcing down fluids, and sleeping in drug-induced comas.

So needless to say, I was starting to feel a bit grinchy and bitter about the whole thing.
And then I decided I needed to start changing my perspective. 

2014 has been a lot of this type of thing-
unexpected chaos that thwarts my otherwise grand plans for life,
let down and hurt and disappointment.

But I wonder if if has to be that way . . .
or if I am letting life get the best of me.

Silver linings.

That's what 2015 is going to be about.
Finding the good. 
Being grateful for what is, not what isn't.

And even though we didn't really get to do Christmas like I had planned,
in some ways,
it was it's own sort of magical.

I got three days of rest and non-stop cuddling with my girl.
I didn't get out of jammies, and that's something to celebrate.

And I got to watch almost every single one of my favorite Christmas movies.
Along with the Polar Express and The Grinch about a hundred times a piece.

So not too shabby after all.


  1. Not too shabby. I love your silver linings!

  2. I'm so sorry you were sick. I was too last week. I'm feeling much better now. Just have the lingering cough and occasional runny nose. Hope you're all feeling better now too.

    I'm also sorry that 2014 was full of let downs and disappointments. I've had waaaaay too many of those kinds of years to count. Here's to a better 2015! If all goes well, I graduate in May, so there's that, at least! Well, for me. I'm sure it doesn't mean much to you, but I'm pretty excited about it.

    Happy New Year!
