Saturday, June 13, 2015

I'm An Addict. And a Lush.

Soooo.... consistency with this whole blogging thing hasn't been my thing.

But I will get better. 
And to make up for my less-than-stellar attendance as of late I will fill you in on the most amazing thing that happened to me in the past few months.

I became a total Lush. 

In the healthy, organic bath products meaning of the word, that is.

My former blogging-friend and now long-distance BFF, Claire,
turned me on to the world of Lush . . .

And wouldn't you know, my addictive personality kicked in and now I can't stop.

I get up at the crack of dawn just so I can enjoy a bath before the chaos of my morning ensues with the Tiny Human. 

I take what seem like hour-long showers and just inhale slowly and deeply and feel as if I have escaped to some sort of steamy Heaven.

I kid you not, Lush is life-changing. 
I realize I sound totally dramatic and maybe I drank the Kool-Aid,
but for real. 

Lush = Love + Magic + Happiness

So now I plan to share my obsession here . . . 
and hopefully I will be able to learn from those of you who love Lush too!
For now, I just text Claire multiple times a day asking "what do I do with this jelly thing?" or
to remind her I spent 15 minutes sniffing myself at my desk because I smell so gosh damn amazing.

And total full disclaimer: I am a newbie Lush virgin, 
so there are a million other people out there more learned in all things Lush than me,
but sharing is caring and basically I just like to talk about my addiction,
so there.

The bath bomb I'm holding in the picture that is now buried about 800 paragraphs ago is Space Girl,
which is currently available in the Lush line.

I was drawn to it because it's purple and sparkly.

And yes, I buy things for reasons that are that superficial.
This is a judgement free zone.

I liked that the bomb left my skin super soft and silky,
and the pink and purple swirls in my tub were pretty too.

It wasn't all that bubbly,
and it was a "fast bomb," 
meaning it did it's thing pretty quick and then the show was over.

I would probably use this one again,
although I've discovered so many others that I love-love that maybe I wouldn't.

But I enjoyed it.

Speaking of love-love,
let me tell you about my fave bomb of the moment.

I used my mini-strainer,
  thanks fort the magic tip Claire, 
and a Brightside bath bar first.

If you do not have a mini-strainer and enjoy Lush,
go now and get one. Like now. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. 
Get. A. Mini. Strainer.

It's a magical thing.

Brightside is one of my favorite bath bars,
which you can use for more than one bath, btw.

The mini-strainer gets you even more mileage, 
in my opinion,
because you can use less bar and get 100 times the bubbles you would get without using it.


Oh the sweet bubbles.

Brightside is sort of citrusy but not too sweet.

Then again, I adore all things fruity and sweet,
so it takes a lot of sweet for me to admit something is sweet-smelling.

Once I had a bath full of foamy, luxurious bubbles,
I dropped in my favorite bomb:


I love every single thing about Fizzbanger.

It's smell, the colors . . .

the way it leaves my skin feeling like butter.

And I especially enjoy the sound of pop rocks crackling in my bath as it slowly releases its magic in to my tub.

Fizzbanger, unlike Space Girl, is a really, really, slow bomb.

And I adore that because it just lets me loose myself in a bath that becomes a moving and swirling work of scented art. 

If you haven't experienced this yet,
try it. 

Maybe you won't need to get a second job,
like I'm going to have to do,
to bankroll your habit,
but you will not regret that you splurged.

Normally, when Fizzbanger is all done, it leaves your bathwater a bright, vivid lime green.

Remember, what you're seeing above was mixed with the otherwise-orange Brightside,
but it's still fun . . .
although admittedly a bit urine-tinted.

So what do you say?

Up for a bath with a bang?

Then check out Lush and add about 50 Fizzbangers to your cart.

Really, if you did, I so wouldn't judge.

1 comment:

  1. I ***SOOOOOOOO*** need this!!! Once I find a job and can actually afford to buy luxury items, that is. Although I have a feeling once I try it, it will become a necessity rather than a luxury.

    Really glad you're back, I've missed you! Hope all is going well.
