Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Experimenter. Aka Mind. Blown.

Video via Lush You Tube

So this happened. 
In my tub.
Last night.

And the world will never, ever be the same.

Claire sent me an Experimenter bath bomb and just wow.

I don't know that I could have ever imagined so many colors popping and swirling and fizzing and floating in a tub at one time.

It was breathtaking.

And awe-inspiring.

And mesmerizing.

And so totally amazing.

We just sat and stared and ooohed and ahhhed. 
And then sat some more because our minds were so blown by the whole rainbow explosion that we could hardly do anything else. 

So because I feel compelled to be completely honest about my Lush addiction at all times,
I can't say that the scent of the Experimenter is totally wowing. 

It's weird and complex,
on the Earthy side and somewhat strong.

But seriously, the experience is so out of this world that the scent doesn't even seem to matter.

This bomb could've smelled like poo (which it didn't, btw) and I would still rave about it.
Because it's just so gosh darn WOAH.

Scent aside, there is one other minor disappointing downside to this bomb,
and that is that once the show is over,
you're left with a somewhat murky grayish-blue tub full of water.

I actually felt a little sad,
which could be a sign that I am way too emotionally invested in this whole Lush crave, 
and I totally admit that.

But really. 
It's like you're taken to the highest high place,
and shown things that don't even exist in the most magical of psychedelic dream worlds,
and then BAM.

Nothing. A cold, dreary abyss of nothing.

The swing from high to low is intense, 
in my not so humble opinion.

And because I'm not wild about the scent,
it's not like I could even sit and deeply inhale and exhale to make the blue-gray expanse seem less depressing. 

But even with all of that said,
the Experimenter is worth the hype.


  1. As you know, I'm not a fan of the scent either . . . but I think that if you add a sweet smelling bubble bar once the show is over, it will make you happier. :) That way, you can sit back and enjoy the bath longer without having to content with the strange, smoky Experimenter scent. It really is the prettiest bath bomb I've seen in the water, though. Magic!

  2. OMG, that is soooo pretty!!! The multi-colored bubbles, I mean. Not so much the grayish water afterwards.

    I'm volunteering outside all day Saturday in triple degree temperatures, so I'm thinking that a soothing bubble bath would be the perfect way to round out the day. Haven't decided which of my goodies I'm gonna try yet. Can't wait!
