Friday, July 17, 2015

Amidst the Madness

Madness, I tell ya. MAD. NESS.

By the very nature of my job, bouts of madness are unavoidable.

Thankfully, I now have Lush to help me cope.

Last week, at the first hint of impending madness,
I decided to try out this vintage beauty.

Love Locket was released as a part of the 2014 Valentine's Day line.
If you shake it, it tinkles and rattles,
giving away this heart's inner most secret . . .

there's a bonus bomb inside the locket.

If you're not a greedy little addict like I am,
you can break open the locket to see what's inside.

Or you just toss the whole thing in the tub and have at 'er.

The smell is not surprisingly a bit romantic and floral.
Overall, I didn't ooooh and aahhhh at this bomb like I do some of my favorites.

But it wasn't a bust either.
Once the bomb has fizzled itself out,
you're left with a beautiful smattering of tiny little red hearts floating about your tub,
which I thought was quite lovely. 

I likely would not spend the money to buy this one again,
because it's a bit on the costly end of the spectrum.
but I don't regret having tried it either. 

My next bath was by far the most divine, heavenly Lush experience I have yet to experience.
From here on out, this will be the bath that all other baths will be measured against.

First and foremost,
I actually got to bathe alone.

Like totally, entirely and utterly by my lonesome.

No one staring at me.
No one playing ponies right next to the tub.
No one whining for me to get her a glass of milk.
No one barking, meowing, banging on the door.

Absolute silence.

And a bottle of wine. 

It gets no better than this, my friends.

I had to be out of town for a seminar for work.
which meant the hotel room tub and I had a hot and steamy date.

I forgot my mini strainer but thankfully,
the little kitchenette in my room came well stocked with a full-sized colander.
Perfect for my sunnyside bubble bar of course.

So in anticipation of my night away,
in glorious solitary confinement,
I consulted with Claire about what bath cocktail I should pack in my Mary Poppins bag of wonders.

Her recommendation?

And so it was.

People, I have no words. 

This bomb was other worldly,
like out of this galaxy mind-blowing,
so I suppose it is completely aptly named

I remained in the tub for two of the most beautiful hours of my time thus far here on this planet.

Can you even believe that this kind of beauty is possible?
And in a tub?
Swirling decadently around your legs and arms,
leaving behind a subtly glittered trail of the softest conditioning oils you could possibly ever experience?

Le sigh.

I can definitively and confidently declare that Intergalactic is now my favorite Lush bomb.

I suppose I didn't even mention how it smelled, 
as I was so busy swooning and losing my mind over how it presented in the water . . .

At first, I felt like it was minty- 
the kind of minty that hits your nostrils and opens your pores.

But then it got a bit softer, almost citrusy, while also somewhat smoky.
It was truly perfection.

After coming back down to Earth,
and forcibly removing myself from the tub . . .
I returned to reality and a week from the depths of hell
(thank GOD it's Friday),
but I had a little Lush here and there to get me through.

My shark fin soap arrived- and if it wasn't the cutest thing ever!

It's been nice and refreshing to use in the shower this week,
and a fun change from my otherwise all-things-sweet-and-fruity shower line-up.

I also tried Error 404,
which may have been awesome except that I used it somewhat close in time to Intergalactic,
so it was a bit underwhelming.

I'm not knocking this bomb,
because it was lovely and pretty and left me with a tub of gorgeous turquoise and minty water.

I think the fact that I was back to my regular bathing routine,
which includes a massive stash of ponies to keep the wild red-haired one busy, 
at the side of my tub mind you,
may have affected my perspective on things too.

I'm thinking I should blame my compulsive buying of all things Lush on the fact this week has stressed me out and burned me out big time.

But really,
even if it had been the best week in the world,
I would likely still have continued to add to my stash,
so I guess who am I kidding with my lame justifications.

The Tiny Human and I decided our shared bathroom needed a makeover,
so it could be as awesome as the new bath and beauty stuff we use obsessively.

So I present the curtain of mermaids.

I believe the blonde in the middle is named Celestia Swirl Candy Cane,
and the red-head is Tooty Wiggle Flower Blossom.

What can I say?
The Tiny Human is an exceptional name-bestower.

So I may have talked about the black market I buy from in the past . . .
I'm also part of a swap group.

You're assigned a swapee, Secret Santa style and you send them cool Lush things by post and then wait for another secret Lushie to send you a box of loot.

My swap arrived yesterday and my swapette (I've made all these titles up, by the way . . . they are in no way endorsed by the Lush Swap Group) went way above and beyond the call of duty.

Holy Jackpot Batman!!!

Also Jackpot?

This Golden Wonder bomb sent to me by Claire,
just because she's entirely awesome like that.

It immediately reminded me of a delicious slice of funfetti cake.
So I had a feeling this experienced was going to end quite well.

And I was so right. 

It smelled like Celebrate,
which could be the end of things right there.

Because Celebrate is magical and the official lotion and scent of unicorns, fairies, and things mystical and amazing.

As it fizzled, little stars and burst of color shot about,
and it truly was like I was in bowl of speckled funfetti cupcake batter.

I was left with a glittery, shimmery tub of aqua water,
which soothed and smooth my tired body.

So life, work, drama, and all of that jazz?
Not so much this week . . .

But the Lush in  my life?
Grand slam.

1 comment:

  1. This post had me giggling out loud . . . I love that you are as obsessed as I am!!!! :)
