Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I Need a Cocktail. Literal and Otherwise.


I am so genuinely thankful there is not a spoon sitting on my desk at this very minute.

Because I would use it to scoop my eyes out.

Because that would be more enjoyable than the last few weeks have been for me.


So it's not all bad- my birth mom was in town for her annual and awesome visit to Wisconsin- but oh wait? 
Did I actually get to enjoy a few weekdays with her,
as I scheduled on my calendar THREE MONTHS AGO?!?


I. Was. At. Work.

Downside to this whole lawyer gig is it is wildly demanding, 
and when a brief calls,
nothing else quite matters.

You know, like how you used to get told by your elders when you were younger,
"When I say JUMP, you say HOW HIGH?"

It's like that.

So balls. Just balls.
Now that I have written FIVE briefs in the last 48 hours,
I shall allow myself a minute.

To pee. To breath.
To tell you about my recent bath cocktails.

And to dream of the literal cocktail I am going to consume on my drive home as soon as I get home.

I finally got around to trying one of my precious, coveted Abombinaballs.

I had read plenty about it . . .
peppermint, vanilla, orange oil.

So minty magic.

Knowing that,
I thought I would pair it with Freeze,
which is itself an antiseptic blast of menthol.

I glopped in some Big Calm,
partly because the blueish color of Big Calm seemed to blend nicely,
but I also thought the coconut and pineapple in the jelly would blend seductively with the mint and vanilla.

Yeah, I totally nailed it.

Oh, and Milky Bubble Bar?
My new favorite,
because it really doesn't smell like anything.

A complete void such as this might not sound appealing,
but it's actually quite lovely when you just want really moisturizing and fluffy bubbles that won't interfere with the scent of your bomb.

Also . . . Big Calm?
Not so calm.
More like the center of a storm.

I sold Big Calm after this cocktail.
Not because it wasn't delicious and delightful,
which it was,
but because I am honestly so incredibly lazy that I find jellies too much work.

So I sold it, and some bag who bought it accused me of selling expired, smoke-infused, "disgusting pots of crap." 
Her words not mine, of course.

It all got figured out, after I refunded her money and she kept the product,
but before all that I got kicked out of my Lush Black Market Group,
almost had a panic attack,
cried, cried some more,
incessantly texted Claire,
and almost puked.

I know that sounds extreme . . .
and well, it totally is.

But people. The world of Lush is crazy, irrational, and so extreme.

Sigh. Drama.

Moving on.

I had been waiting to use this little buddy for a while.

Kermit is known as both Leap Frog and Frog Prince.

I prefer Frog Prince, for no real good reason.
I used some Green Fun for bubbles (and because I am so obsessed with the citrusy scent of it!) and figured, the more bubbles the merrier, so I also added a little pink princess for Mr. Froggy in the form of a reusable Flamingo Bubble Wand.

Frog Prince came out a few years back as a part of Lush's Valentine's Day line.

The bomb includes both jasmine and neroli.
Knowing it might be a bit more floral than I tend to love,
the addition of the sugary-sweet Flamingo Bubble Bar worked well for me.

This was a fun bomb in the water too. 
Little Froggy Prince's bright pink pucker lips floated around the tub as the rest of his little froggy self fizzled and sputtered and dissolved in the water around me.

The water was a lovely, vibrant lime green,
and my skin was silky smooth by the time I emerged.

Towards the end of the show,
this fun little trinket floated to the surface of my bubbles.

Oh if only Kitchen Prince Peter was made to kiss me . . .

Speaking of shows,
I have not been able to bathe by myself since my luxurious getaway for work in July.

And by luxurious,
I really just mean I was by myself in a mediocre hotel room.

But I was alone. No one watching me.
No one talking to me.
No one asking me to name all of the ponies.

No one telling me my poe-poe (ie; lady parts) looked like a giant hamburger.
Yeah. That last one is totally real.

Oh the struggle is so real . . .
but my life is never dull.
For that I am thankful.

I am also thankful that some of the Oxford Exclusive products are now for sale online!!!

Of course I had to help myself.
One of the first bombs I acquired was the Skydancer.

This bomb is sold to raise funds to support and fund equipment to satellite tag endangered harrier hen chicks born in the coming years.

The bomb is a beauty to watch . . .
the blue winged bird at its center lingers long after its surrounding disappear.

I wonder if Lush meant for the bomb to be symbolically that deep.
You know, it's sold to help preserve an endangered species,
which we hope will survive despite what we do the environment surrounding these sweet little creatures.

Probably not, but I was moved.

The scent is something like licorice, with a subtle citrus undertone. 

The Lush UK website says it also contains cinnamon leaf oil,
but I didn't smell much of that.

Maybe because I paired it with Celebrate shower gel and Floating Island.

The whole bath was lovely. 
The sights. The scents. 
And even the hoard of Ponies watching me from the side of the tub.


  1. I'm sorry the last 3 weeks haven't been kinder to you. All of August was kinda that way for me. Just one big let down after the other. :( But now a new month has dawned upon us, so all is well again. :)

    Wow, I knew you were adopted, but I don't think I ever realized you had ever met your birth mom. That's pretty cool! I'm sorry you didn't get to spend much time with her.

    OMG, I can't believe anyone would be so horrible to you about the products you sold her. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I'm also sorry that you got kicked out of your Lush blackmarket club thingie. If I can ever find a job again, I will join it for the both of us and share my goodies with you.

    So I did an information interview with this woman I'd sent a resume to last week and even though she couldn't hire me at this time she said she'd love to meet up and just talk because she was impressed with me. Yeah, turns out she really was not impressed with me afterall. And I was not exactly impressed with her for various reasons. Anyway, the only thing she really seemed to like about me was your fabu cover letter. It was a painful meeting for the both of us, but at least she found something redeeming about me. So thank you!

    1. I got let back in the Black Market group after tons of drama... just ugh. Life is too short for such silliness. But I'm back in ;) Sooooo sorry to hear about your painful interview. Glad the cover letter helped though :) I am crossing my fingers and toes you find the job of your dreams soon!!!!!!!

  2. It's time for a new post please! I've missed you!!! Hope all is well.
