Tuesday, July 28, 2015


So a couple of things:

1) My life has been pure and total chaos on all levels lately. 

I really, desperately, badly, muchly (that last one isn't a real word, I know that) want this little Glitter Vault escape place of mine to be full of sparkles, rainbows and all things good. 
I mean, is it too much to ask to just wanna hop on my unicorn, with a rainbow tiara full of sparkles, and ride around a field of Lush scented flowers, sipping Starbucks and galloping off into the sunset? 
I think not.
So pretty much I will just repress, ignore, or fail to discuss the chaos that has been my life at work and my life at home (not because of the Tiny Human, well mostly not because of her) because then I can carry on with my sparkly happy ramblings.

But I need to at least mention the chaos because it's the reason I decided I needed a thoroughly simple bath last night.

When life fills the pages of your story with lines and lines of endless crazy,
turn the page,
take a deep breath,
 and revel in the simple nothingness of what comes next.

Or at least, in my head, that's how it works.

So back to the basics it was.

A Butterball Bath Bomb paired with the Milky Bubble Bar.

No flare, no drama, no show in the tub.

Pure simplicity.

And it was simply delightful.

Butterball is a small little bomb.
It fizzles quickly and unmemorably. 
But the point of the Butterball bomb isn't the extra flashy stuff that has made Lush so loved.

It has just seven ingredients, with cocoa butter being at the top of the list.
It's scent is entirely subtle,
with slight hints of vanilla and toffee. 

Butterball won't wow your visual senses,
but in the most effective and yet unsexy way,
it does its job of leaving your skin hydrated, smoothed, and replenished.

Paired with the equally nondescript Milky Bath Bar,
this simple bath soothed and calmed my very over-stressed and very over-stimulated tired soul.


There was more than one thing about chaos to share, because I started with a one and should have a two on this list . . 

Ah yes, now I remember.

2) I am anticipating the pure chaos that will be tonight's Kitchen experience.

Claire and I will be up late/early furiously texting our moral support back and forth as we partake in the crazy quest to obtain Abomniballs.

We agreed to each buy one more than we otherwise would have,
so if one of us fails in the mission,
we may still be able to lay our grubby paws upon this beauty of a bomb.

I actually feel butterflies fluttering in the base of my tummy already just thinking about it.
And yeah, I know.
It's like wildly out-of-control levels of crazy addiction.


  1. "I mean, is it too much to ask to just wanna hop on my unicorn, with a rainbow tiara full of sparkles, and ride around a field of Lush scented flowers, sipping Starbucks and galloping off into the sunset?"

    OMG, I want all that too!

    I must be sick, but I actually miss all of that chaos! You'd think it would be Heaven on Earth to go from mass chaos to nothingness, and it was for awhile. But now -- bring on the chaos!

    I was just thinking about this reading your blog this evening - you should contact Lush and see if they'll give you free products in exchange for reviews!

  2. Ohhhh I'm so sorry that things have been so stressful in all life's arenas . . . but I'm glad you have this miraculous way to decompress. Abominaball Night surely did not help your stress levels . . . but I am excited that we ultimately got some. Obviously I will let you know the very second they arrive!

